
Bug Bite Relief

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Sometimes the bugs bite you, in spite of your best efforts. This easy, natural bug bite remedy relieves the itch, speeds healing, and is safe for kids.

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Well, it's official. I've lost any faint hope of getting the "Mom of the Year" award.

Little Peanut got a bunch of mosquito bites while she was asleep in her crib.

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Her arms and legs had bites all over them. Of course, she scratched the heck out of them in her sleep.

Thanks to my favorite essential oil reference book, I knew exactly what would relieve the itch and promote healing.

– Sweet almond oil or other carrier oil – Lavender essential oil – Tea Tree essential oil – 10mL glass roller-top bottle


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Put 4 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and 6 drops of Lavender essential oil into the rollertop bottle. Add sweet almond oil to the bottle until almost full. Snap on the rollertop and label the bottle.


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This bug bite relief is diluted for use on kids. To make this mixture stronger for adult use, only fill the bottle halfway with carrier oil. Both Tea Tree and Lavender essential oil have antiseptic qualities, and Lavender promotes healing as well.


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