Potatoes aren’t grown from seeds but from seed potatoes. Important! Please don’t plant grocery store potatoes, even if they’re sprouting.
- Tires - Containers made of pressure treated wood - Potato towers
Potatoes will grow best when they have room to spread out. Crowding will cause smaller yield and smaller potatoes. Since I have a small amount of space to work with, I prefer to plant multiple potatoes in a single large container.
The great part about growing potatoes in containers is that you can place your pots anywhere in your yard to get the 6-8 hours of sunlight that potatoes need.
The day is finally here! You want your soil temperature at least 50F (so shortly after your last frost). Add 5 inches of soil to the bottom of your container.
Add soil so that the potatoes are completely covered and the sprouts (if any) peek out of the soil.
After a few weeks, the sprouts will become taller and look more like actual plants. Then it’s time to add soil, which is called “hilling.” You’ll make a hill of soil around the stem of the plant every few weeks, until your container is full of soil.