How to

Freeze Onions

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It's easy to freeze onions to use in your favorite recipes. Prevent waste and save money and time by freezing excess onions from your garden or the store.

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How to Freeze Onions

Peel the onion, trim the top and root end, and chop it to a small dice. You can do this with a knife, but I prefer to use my food processor. 

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It’s not a good idea to freeze whole onions. Once frozen, they’ll turn into a solid block that will be nearly impossible to chop and use.

if your hands smell like onions after chopping, wash them and then rub a drop of lemon essential oil on your hands. 

Put your chopped onions in a thin layer on a cookie sheet lined with a silicone baking mat. It’s OK if the onion pieces touch each other, but try to keep them in a single layer.

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Cover the cookie sheet tightly with aluminum foil and set it in the freezer, trying to keep it as level as possible.  Make sure the aluminum foil is tightly sealed so the onion smell doesn’t leak out and stink up the freezer. 


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Leave the onions in the freezer until they’re completely frozen--at least 2 hours. Then take the cookie sheet out of the freezer.  See how the onion bits are individually frozen? Freezing them flat on the cookie sheet makes it easy to use and store them. 


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