Best Types of Zucchini to Grow in Containers

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You can grow zucchini even if you don’t have a lot of space! Here are the six varieties of zucchini that will thrive and produce a huge harvest in pots or containers.

Astia bush zucchini growing in a container

Zucchini is one of the best vegetables that beginning gardeners can grow in containers. It’s nearly foolproof, produces tons of veggies all summer long, and zucchini comes in lots of fun shapes and colors.

Some varieties of zucchini will take over your garden due to their large size–like these plants in our community garden that are nearly four feet across.

row of zucchini plants in garden

You would need a giant container, and a lot of space, to grow a plant that large in a pot! These six varieties of squash, however, are designed to be compact and are perfect for growing in containers.

Have questions about how to get them growing? Here’s everything you need to know about growing zucchini in containers.

Best Types of Zucchini to Grow in Containers

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Best Types of Zucchini to Grow in Containers

Hi, Im Pam!

I created Brown Thumb Mama to share my natural living journey, and help you live a greener life. Thanks for being here!

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3 thoughts on -Best Types of Zucchini to Grow in Containers-

  1. Avatar photo
    Debbie Mathisen

    I didn’t think you could grow squash in containers. I container plant in 2′ X 2.5 ‘ containers. I do tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Have mild success better each year. Is it too late to plant squash plants if I can find them in Texas.