10 Vegetables to Plant in February {Zone 9}

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These veggies can handle the cold. Zone 9 gardeners, here are 10 vegetables to plant in February for an amazing harvest of fresh veggies all Spring!

Brrr! It’s cold outside, but these veggies are up to the task. Plant these 10 vegetables in February and you’ll enjoy fresh food from your garden in no time!

For most of us gardeners, January is spent looking through seed catalogs and planning out the majestic garden you’re going to enjoy in the spring. By February, though, your seeds have arrived and you’re itching to get them in the soil…am I right?

I know I’m in a hurry to plant vegetables and start seeds in February. Bundle up, grab some of your homemade compost and let’s get out in the garden.

Are you a brand new gardener? Not sure what to plant and how to plant it? I can help.
Check out my Ultimate Beginning Gardener Bundle and you’ll have a great garden in no time!

handful of fresh garden vegetables


Here are 10 vegetables to plant in February, for gardeners in Zone 9.

radishes on table

10 Vegetables to Plant in February {Zone 9}

Want to know what to plant every month?

Knowing which vegetables to plant in each growing season ensures your plants will thrive and give you a great harvest. Check out my Vegetable Garden Planting Schedules so you know exactly what to plant each month of the year.

More of What to Plant This Month

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carrot, radish, cauliflower on table

Hi, Im Pam!

I created Brown Thumb Mama to share my natural living journey, and help you live a greener life. Thanks for being here!